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时间:2024-04-25   浏览:6次

1、你淡定是因为你不怕死,我比你淡定是因为我不怕你死。 You are calm because you are not afraid of death. I am calmer than you because I am not afraid of death. 2、人生这出戏,我自导自演。 The play of life is directed and performed by myself. 3、你为什么失眠,月色与你,太过撩人。 Why do you insomnia, moonlight and you, too provocative. 4、您好:把您闺女借我一年,明年还您一大一小。 Hello: lend your daughter to me for one year and return it to you next year. 5、那些令我歇斯底里的感动,总是电影里别人的故事。 Those who make me hysterical are always the stories of others in the movie. 6、世人皆如满天星,而你却如皎皎洁月,众星捧月,唯你耀眼。 The world is like stars in the sky, but you are like the bright moon. The stars hold the moon, only you are dazzling. 7、这辈子太短,我只想好好爱你一个。 This life is too short, I just want to love you. 8、压力大了,睡觉都梦到在吵架,醒来睡不着了,完全没睡意了。 Pressure, sleep dream of quarreling, wake up can't sleep, completely sleepless. 9、带上你虚伪的面具,滚出我的世界。 Put on your mask of hypocrisy and get out of my world. 10、生活不是等暴风雨过去、而是学会在风雨中跳舞。 Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain. 11、隔墙有只耳朵,嘲笑你有多难过。 I have an ear to laugh at how sad you are. 12、情书也撕了,酒杯也碎了,别担心,你走吧,我不爱你了。 Love letter is torn, wine glass is broken, don't worry, you go, I don't love you. 13、我要的爱情就是,无论我们怎么吵,怎么闹,最后你还是我的。 The love I want is that no matter how noisy we are, you will be mine in the end. 14、突然发现生命中好多不可或缺的人,走着走着就散了。 Suddenly found a lot of indispensable people in life, walking away. 15、是我们路过了时间,还是时间路过了我们。 We pass by time, or time passes by us. 16、所有似曾相识的感觉,都是你曾经错过的。 All the feelings of deja vu, you have missed. 17、要随波逐浪,不可随波逐流。 Follow the waves, not the current. 18、其实你不亏,即使所有努力没有水到渠成,你也会更加优秀。 In fact, you are not at a loss, even if all efforts do not come naturally, you will be better. 19、早上起床第一件事,睁开眼睛,晚上睡觉第一件事,闭上眼睛。 First thing in the morning, open your eyes. First thing in the evening, close your eyes. 20、我放下尊严,放下了个性,放下了固执,都是因为放不下你。 I put down dignity, personality and stubbornness, because I can't put you down. 21、失恋后的报复就好比刃甲,伤了别人也伤了自己。 Revenge after lovelorn is like blade armour, which hurts others and oneself. 22、遇到你之后,我好像有一种特异功能,闭上眼睛就能看见你。 After meeting you, I seem to have a special ability to see you with my eyes closed. 23、你名字就那么几笔,却深深刻进我心底。 Your name is just a few strokes, but it is deeply engraved in my heart. 24、我的心开始沉碎,面对那段众人口里的是非。 My heart began to sink, facing the right and wrong of the population. 25、思念,是如水的柔情,又如晨曦中缕缕漂浮的雾。 Missing is like the tenderness of water and the mist floating in the morning. 26、你的心机我比不上,无奈的摆脱不要在我面前耍心眼。 I can't compare with your scheming, but don't play tricks in front of me. 27、你迟早会离开我,早走早利索。 You will leave me sooner or later, sooner or later. 28、缘分只在一线,转身便是越来越远,再无交集。 Fate is only in the front line, turn is more and more far away, no intersection. 29、过错只是一时的冲动,错过却是一生的遗憾。 Fault is just a temporary impulse, but missing is a lifelong regret. 30、原来我有两面性,一个乐观,一个悲伤,总是这样缠绕着我。 It turns out that I have two sides, one is optimistic, the other is sad, which always haunts me like this. 31、做一个有趣的人,让所有人开心,除了自己。 Be an interesting person and make everyone happy except yourself. 32、退让是一种美德,但退到什么程度,却是一门学问。 Concession is a virtue, but to what extent is a science. 33、能力就像瓜子仁,只有咬牙才能嗑出来。 Ability is like melon seed kernel. You can only crack it by gritting your teeth. 34、现在不努力,将来拿什么养活自己。 If you don't work hard now, what will you take to support yourself in the future. 35、开不了口的是,我还爱你;掩盖不住的是,我还想你。 What I can't say is that I still love you; what I can't hide is that I still miss you. 36、告诉我你在乎,山穷水尽我也等。 Tell me you care. I'll wait for you when you're at your end. 37、你说你爱我,我天真的以为是只爱我。 You said you love me, I naive thought that is only love me. 38、明人不说暗话,我喜欢你。 People don't talk in secret. I like you. 39、谁都妄想过相守至地老天荒,却也只是旧梦一场清泪两行。 Everyone had a delusion of staying together until the end of time, but it was just a dream of two lines of tears. 40、我相貌平平,不能惊鸿一瞥,你要是想错过我,就错过我吧。 I'm so plain that I can't catch a glimpse. If you want to miss me, just miss me. 41、我不是没素质,只是我的素质分人区别对待。 I'm not without quality, but my quality is treated differently. 42、愿你沉稳又执着,对热爱的事情都全力以赴,又满载而归。 May you be calm and persistent, do your best to the things you love, and come back with a full load. 43、我喜欢田野,而我愚笨。只能植荒十年,换得一时春生。 I like the field, and I'm stupid. We can only plant wasteland for ten years in exchange for a temporary spring. 44、也许似乎大概是,然而未必不见得。 Maybe it seems to be, but not necessarily. 45、恋爱可以不谈,钱,不能没有。 Love can not talk, money can not be without. 46、你的名字我的心事,我的名字你的故事。 Your name, my heart, my name, your story. 47、我会带着月亮的温柔,和星星的光亮,顺着银河,进入你梦里。 I will take the gentle moon, and the bright stars, along the Milky way, into your dream. 48、伤人的不是我不想和你在一起、而是我不能和你在一起。 What hurts is not that I don't want to be with you, but that I can't be with you. 49、你为他放下一身骄傲,他却连你爱他都假装不知道。 You are proud of him, but he pretends not to know that you love him. 50、一根烟,一杯酒,一首老情歌。 A cigarette, a glass of wine, an old love song.






想做一个很酷的人扭头就走 比你残忍比你狠
· 想做一个很酷的人扭头就走 比你残忍比你狠

1.网络是假的,感情是真的,无论如何,很高兴认识你。  2.一个女人最好的嫁妆就是一颗体贴温暖的心,一个男人最好的聘礼就是一生的包容与疼爱。...